


“As long as water flows and grass grows” became a broken promise.


“Human beings are merely one sort of creature, among many creatures, that the Earth in all her diversity was capable of producing,” wrote Viola Cordova.


The compassion to empathize with local and global neighbors–these qualities are the foundation of a bioregional sensibility,” wrote Mitchell Thomashow.


History is not an island. It is closer to the matrix of a fisherman’s net in which all the strands connect with one another.



This was Zero Avenue. The magical zero. Infinite. Closed and open…. The number of new beginnings.



Seeing/Not Seeing

I recorded as much as I could so that I could later sit and look repeatedly at what almost eluded my view.


The river sculpted the land and then humans sculpted the river.



Falling for Nature

It’s easy to daydream if you let the switchback roads and ghostly muggers rock you into a hypnagogic state.

burned shopping cart filled with scorched items on the sidewalk of downtown Portland, Oregon

There is a story here too. It’s a story I will never know. I can only imagine what happened to this shopping cart and to the person to whom these burned items belonged. Was it an act of cruelty? Was someone trying to keep warm outdoors at night? Was it a pyrrhic victory after years of living on the streets?

This is photojournalism–showing a part of the story but leaving parts unanswered for the viewer of the photograph to decide. This image brings up questions. It made me question the unseen person’s fate when I came across this shopping cart in downtown Portland, Oregon. I wonder what happened each time I see this image. My thoughts run deep and wide as I know there are other scenes like this one in urban areas across America, and only a holistic solution will make this something seen only in the long ago past.